"Donetsk Academic Regional Drama Theatre" (2023) is the first work of the series "Part of the Furniture". It depicts the aftermath of the March 16th 2022 Russian strike on Mariupol’s drama theatre. The attack was carried out despite the theatre’s militaristic irrelevance and with full knowledge of the civilians seeking shelter inside. Residents had written дети (Russian for "children") on the pavement outside before seeking shelter. The attack is one of the earliest recorded war crimes of the 2022 invasion of Ukraine.

The artwork serves as a critical commentary on how viewers have become desensitised to images of war and violence. The visual language of the "road rug”, a symbol of Western domestic bliss, is appropriated to show how we have grown accustomed to consuming images of conflict as just another aspect of daily life. These images have become “part of the furniture”.

The carpet will be up for auction as part of Ongekend Young Masters, a collaboration by @adams.amsterdam.auctions @kers_gallery. Viewing days are the 2nd and 3rd of March between 12-16:00. The auction will start on the 3rd of March at 16:00.

All proceeds from the sale of this work will be donated to the Children of Ukraine Foundation.

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